Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day one, battle with cucumber

I would like to start this blog by saying that I am not a health nut or avid juicer in any way. I didn't even start eating veggies till I was in my twenties (I'm 27 now). After the birth of my daughter I had gained about 70lbs and I started a strict medical program that barely affords me any time to live a life let alone excersize. So I decided to start juicing. My step father was 329lbs and started juicing and has lost 30lb in 30 days. He convinced me to give it a go so I bought a breville juicer IKON and a ton of fruits and veggies. After a few days of juicing I decided to start this blog in hopes of helping at least one person in the world who battles with veggies and juicing like I do. I am attempting to try several recipes until I find one that I like enough to start a fast with. After a failed first attempt at juicing I have decided to try green veggies with fruit one veggie at a time and will post on how they taste. I am hoping to get an idea overall of what veggies I will be able to tolerate in a fast and just to drink in general. If I can keep it up I will blog all the way through my fasting attepmt. Here's hoping. Below is my first attempt at juicing. Day one was Monday March 19, 2012 and I was all set to juice. I decided to start with a recipe that Martha Stewart has on youtube about a juice that she wakes up to. Roughly it contained Parsley, ginger, celery, cucumber, apple, pear and pappaya. I do NOT liek cucumber or celery, in fact I barely like any raw veggies but those two are at the top of my vomit list. But I decided to be a big girl about it and get juicing. I added more pear and and apple than she did realizing that I would need it. And I also used less celery and only a half a cucumber. To be honest the flavor was really good and I switched the pappaya for a mango.I took a few sips and then proudly walked across the street to my neighbors house to share my new drink with him (he is interested in starting to juice too). He liked it but commented that the cucumber was overwhelming. I then took it to my husband and his mom (she too lives across the street). They took a sip and both liked it but she commented on the cucumber as well. I then took it home to drink it for dinner. My husband decided to make a juice too so the machine was on loudly. I continued to drink but could no longer seem to handle the cucumber and then up it all came. I threw up all the juice I had drank which was only about half a tall glass. I then ran to the bathroom to continue to vomit. The stench of cucumber would not leave my nostrils or taste buds. I spent the remainder of the evening snacking attempting to get the cucumebr to leave me. It didn't First attempt failed! Oh well, lesson learned, stay away from veggies you HATE because no amount of fruit can mask it. My second attempt was the following day. Below is the link to the Martha stewart Juice recipe if anyone would like to try it :)

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