Thursday, March 22, 2012

Days 2 3 and 4

Ok juicers I had failed at my first attempt at juicing but I was not discouraged. Realizing that watching you tube videos of raw food diet juicers who had way more discipline that I would ever have would not help me like veggies nor their juice I set out to try one veggie a day mixed with fruit to single out each veggies flavor. The idea came from day 2 of juicing. My second attempt had absoulutely no cucumber however it did contain celery, parsley, a super tiny peice of ginger and spinich with apple, mango and pear. It was drinkable but smelled horrid. I put in a reusable plastic cup with a lid and straw, added some purified water and some ice and drank it down... half way. Oh yeah I added half a really juicy lemon too. I don't really like lemon too much either. There was something about the concoction that wasn't quite right and so this inspired the idea to juice one veggie at a time till I figure out what I don't like and what I do like. So, DAY 3. I juiced 3/4 of a bag of chopped green kale. I think it was too much. Kale is bitter, even with 2 apples, a pear and a mango added. I think I can juice kale in the future but a lot less, and I will buy whole kale and juice a leaf. Trying to keep all the peices from flying out the juicer was difficult. Another lesson learned. The next day I juiced spinach (big handfull), an apple, a pear and half a box (container) of strawberries and it was much better than the kale. Still a bit bitter but not the horrid after taste of the kale. Today is day 4 of juicing and I juced a celery stick and a half with 2 mangos and a green apple. SOOOO much better. I have been adding a little bit of purified water to the juicer when I am done. It gets the remnants of what I juiced out and dilutes the juice so it's not so potent. Celery is definately something I can slowly learn to add more too. My husband liked all the juices and I think he can juice for life. Me I am going to need some work but I am determined to get used to it. After all alcohol is an acquired taste and I adapted just fine and love strong drinks.I hope to do the same with juice. Tomorrow I think I will try parsley with fruit and I will let everyone know how it goes :) Happy juicing. Once I really get confident with certain recipes I will post a video on how I do it and the juicer I use, etc.

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